Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons

Eagles Wings


Eagles Wings

Isaiah 40:21-31


40:21 “Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?” “The exclusiveness of the true God has been revealed since the beginning, indeed, from the foundations of the earth.  Incidentally, this passage reveals that humanity had been privy to the nature of deity since the dawn of creation.  It negates the idea that the earth was in existence billions of years before humankind appeared” (Jackson p. 79).  God’s rebuke to the worshipper of false religion is “Where have you been?” “Have you been hiding in some cave that you do not understand such simple truths?” 


40:22 “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth”: Yes, the earth is a circle and what is amazing is that the Biblical writers knew that long before scientists caught up. The reader should note that most modern commentators deny any reference here to the shape of the earth, thus evidencing ‘scientific foreknowledge’ on the part of the inspired writer.  Yet Dr. Henry Morris notes, “The word ‘compass’ in Proverbs 8:27 and the word ‘circle’ in Isaiah 40:22 are both translations of the same Hebrew chuwg, an excellent rendering of which is ‘circle’.  It could well be used also for ‘sphere’, since there seems to have been no other ancient Hebrew word with this explicit meaning (a sphere is simply the figure formed by a circle turning about its diameter)” (The Biblical Basis for Modern Science, p. 246). 


 40:23 “He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, who makes the judges of the earth meaningless”: “Think back upon the so-called great men of our own age who strove for high place and tried to hold on for dear life, only to fall” (Hailey p. 338). “He allows no man, no matter how great, to further his ambitions without limit” (Gaebelein p. 246).  The verse certainly reminds us that this is God’s universe and we are only here by His permission. In addition, God is not bound by the decisions handed down by human justices, man does not make the rules for God, rather God’s law is the final authority (Matthew 28:18). 


40:24 “Scarcely”: We might think that wicked leaders end up ruling for too long, but from God’s standpoint no sooner than they are planted and take root are they uprooted.  Even the great kings and empires of the earth are nothing more than shallow-rooted plants.


40:25  The question is again repeated, “To whom then will you liken Me?”  Please note that one will either serve the true God or one will attempt to make a substitute.  40:26 “Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars”: This is still excellent advice.  More people need to lift up their eyes, get their focus off the here and now of earthly things and contemplate the heavens.  This verse also serves as quite a rebuke to modern astronomers who spend their entire lives studying the stars and yet miss the Great God behind them.  “The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name”: By His strength and wisdom God controls and sustains the millions and billions of stars in the universe, and He knows each one of them specifically, knowing exactly all their qualities.  “If God, who loves His children as a devoted Father, looks after each inanimate heavenly body, will He not care for His sons and daughters?  At times we may feel that God has forgotten and that He does not care.  When this feeling comes, let the discouraged one lift up his eyes and beyond the stars see a God of infinite power and a Father equally infinite in love” (Hailey p. 339). 


40:27 “Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert O Israel, ‘My way is hidden from the Lord, and the justice due me escapes the notice of my God?’”


The thought here is that in Babylon the captives will charge God with being indifferent to their condition.  They need to be reminded that their punishment in Babylon is not due to God’s lack of justice.  Even God’s people today, however, can fall into the trap of thinking that God is not paying enough attention to them and that life is not fair, or the justice they deserve escapes them.


40:28  “Do you not know?  Have you not heard?”  Such a complaint demonstrates a serious ignorance of God’s nature!  “The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired”:  What a powerful truth!  Yes, we grow weary, but God never does. God is all-powerful and He never gets tired.  In addition, God never gives up on delivering the righteous or punishing the wicked.  Nothing can stop His purposes.  “His understanding is inscrutable”: His wisdom cannot be fully appreciated or comprehended (Romans 11:33).  He cannot be out-argued or out-planned.  Beware of looking for loopholes!


40:29  As a result God is able to provide strength and encouragement for the weary.  Helping others never tires God.  40:30 Even vigorous young men tire and stumble.  This is a verse that we need to consider because so many people today place such an emphasis on the outward physical body and almost worship fitness and youth.  You can be in the best physical condition possible, but we are still going to wear out!  “Though it is the nature of human beings (even the young) to grow tired, Jehovah does not” (Jackson p. 80). The warning here is to avoid thinking that we are invincible or that we can handle anything on our own.  Even today we see many vigorous and healthy young people who are depressed, angry, sullen and unmotivated. Sin has the ability to take the most fit and turn them into a very weak individual.


40:31 “Yet those who wait for the Lord”: Unfortunately in some denominational circles, “waiting for the Lord” is interpreted as waiting for either some communication from God or some kind of feeling.  In contrast, this waiting for the Lord means to surrender to His will, trust His plan and submit to His word as the guide for our lives.  Instead of trusting in human plans and human wisdom, these Israelites needed to trust that God would deliver them as He has promised.  Sadly, many people, instead of trusting in God’s guidelines for our lives, insist upon implementing their own, and that often means panicking and opting for a short-term sinful choice that promises to relieve the pain or boredom for the moment.  Yet those who rely upon God shall find sustaining power.  “Will gain new strength”: Note the cooperation needed to gain this promise.  New strength does not come from sitting around and complaining or doing nothing, this new strength is only promised to those who truly trust God and His timing.  This new strength comes through our faith in God, seeing the fulfillment of God’s promises and being encouraged by His word and His people.  What this means is that believers always have access to “a second wind”.


40:31 “They will mount up with wings like eagles”: In the historical context, when the news would reach the faithful that they were allowed to return to the land (Ezra 1:1-4), they would soar to heights of joy; the same is true of the faithful today.  The person who trusts God has the ability to soar over the problems of this world.  Not only does this passage contain a spiritual truth, but it contains a scientific fact as well.  The eagle does have the ability to soar without becoming tired. Because of the wing design, the eagle can soar great distances without the need of beating his wings.




·        As long as we are depending upon our own limited knowledge and resources we will be frantically flapping just to stay on top of things.  Instead of having the feeling that I must scrape, scrap and struggle, Christians having the blessing of soaring.

·        God wants to release us from the struggle for survival that unbelievers find themselves immersed in.  “Do not be anxious then, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘With what shall we clothe ourselves?’  For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek’” (Matthew 6:31-32).

·        Trying to live apart from God is going to be an exhausting and frustrating experience. 

·        In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus noted that such things as worry, the deceitfulness of wealth and desires for other things will be detrimental to our spiritual growth (Mark 4:19).  Yet what men often forget is that what affects their spiritual growth will also affect their physical and emotional health as well.  Worry, fear, and sin, in general, will take their toll and if we are not with God not only will spiritual strength wane, but our enthusiasm, optimism, and the ability to joyfully endure will as well.


40:31 “They will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary”: “A rush of preparation for the journey will follow” (Hailey p. 340).   This is not the promise of superhuman strength; rather it speaks of the spiritual and emotional strength that comes from a healthy relationship with God.  Compare with 2 Corinthians 6:4-10.  It does not mean that believers are exempt from the trials of this life, but rather that only the believer has a source of strength that will enable him to overcome (1 John 5:4). 




·        The believer can soar above his or her problems because they realize that there is much more to living than just the physical things of this life (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

·        I can soar because I know that God is behind the scenes working and that He has the power to turn any hardship or potential disaster into success (Romans 8:28).

·        I can soar because I know that whatever trials I am enduring will only bring about stronger character (Romans 5:3-5).  A greater ability to be content and happy in the future lies on the other side of any trial.

·        I can soar because I know that God is in control and making it through life is not completely dependent upon my own cleverness and wisdom.

·        I can soar because I know that only goodness and mercy is following me (Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life”).

·        I can soar because I know that all the sins in my past are forgiven, and these sins are not given the power to take all the joy from my future (Psalm 103:3-5).

·        I can soar, because with God on my side I know that things are never as bad or as hopeless as they might seem (Romans 11:2-5).  

·        I can soar because I know that God is looking out for me, and that He is on my side; “What shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who is against us?” (Romans 8:31).

·        I can run and not get tired because I realize that where I am putting my efforts and energy—is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

·        God has so planned the lifestyle of the believer that the more we work, the more we are involved in helping others or spreading the gospel, the stronger we become. Instead of being mentally and emotionally draining, the work that God has given us is invigorating.  When Jesus was finished talking to the Samaritan woman, His mind was on other things to the point that He was no longer hungry (John 4:31-32).

·        Paul noted the same principle in 2 Corinthians 4:16 “our inner man is being renewed day by day”.  What this means is that as the believer ages, they are actually becoming stronger and “newer” and fresher spiritually. 

·        I can soar when I am much older because I am closer to heaven, I have so many lessons to impart to those younger that I will be in demand, I am motivated as I look back on my life of fruitful labor, and I have the inward character and enables me to rejoice and be content in any circumstance.


Mark Dunagan/Beaverton Church of Christ/503-644-9017