Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons

Be Careful How You Hear

Be Careful How You Hear

Jesus warned that when the word of God is taught the devil is also close by, “These are the ones who are beside the road where the word is sown; and when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them” (Mark 4:15). Knowing this to be true, we can make certain to "hide God's word in our hearts" when we hear it (Psalm 119:11) so prevent our enemy from snatching it. What other dangers can we prepare to avoid, that can be present when one is hearing the word of God?

Distractions Distractions Distractions

They come in all different shapes and sizes. One common temptation is to think that we are too busy right now with something more pressing and always find time later to read the Bible or have a Bible Study. “Go away for the present, and when I find time I will summon you” (Acts 24:25). Let's determine to make listening and talking to God every day of highest priority in our life, for Jesus promises if we "seek the kingdom first" everything else will fall into place (Matt. 6:33)

Beware of Resenting the Truth

“It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that one has never heard before” (Muscle and a Shovel, Michael Shank, p. 314). When hearing the gospel or studying the Bible, being honest and humble makes all the difference in the world.  Seeing that we are so far from infallible and have sinned, it should come as no surprise that upon hearing the word of God, we will find things we need to correct in our hearts and lives. Let's choose to be deeply grateful when the truth challenges a long held and cherished view, for wrong ideas always, in the end, enslave (John 8:31-32), and finding out one is wrong in this area or that, means we will no longer be enslaved and no longer passing such misinformation to others. Is “Ignorance bliss”? Yes — but only temporarily. For the truth can be painful. It is incredibly hard to accept the fact that one is lost — and so are others one loves. Yet ignorance in the long run is anything but bliss. Those who remain ignorant of the truth not only pay an eternal price, but they often pay an exorbitant price in this life as well. So don’t run or hide. When you hear the truth, embrace it, for we will all face the exact same truth at the Judgment Day (John 12:48), with no chance to obey it.

What is Your Present Foundation?

When tempted to ignore the truth because it flatly contradicts your preconceived ideas and shakes up your world, ask yourself the following question: “What foundation underlies my present beliefs — that the gospel contradicts?” Dig deep enough and you will find what I found, a foundation of misinformation that has been passed down from generation to generation, false quotes, false doctrines, assumptions, and human traditions, and a good dose of “I want to do what I want to do”. In order to obey the gospel one must dig deep: “I dug deep down beyond it all. I dug beyond my own personal ideas of how salvation was supposedly obtained” (Muscle and a Shovel, p. 314).

Let it Cut the Right Way

In the second chapter of Acts, 3000 individuals heard the gospel and allowed it to cut them to the heart (Acts 2:37). A couple of chapters later another group heard the gospel and stoned the preacher (Acts 7:54-60). “The Bible can be likened to a suit coat. A man will either cut the coat to fit himself, or he will cut himself to fit the coat. Every accountable, responsible man and woman seeking God has a choice set before them:  They will cut the Bible into a book that fits their own kind of faith/denomination. They will themselves (change their minds, their hearts, their actions, and their behaviors) into the type of person that God calls them to be” (Muscle and a Shovel, p. 281).

Know Who You Enemy Is

Instead of being angry at the person who loves you enough sharing the truth with you. Be angry at your real enemy — Satan. Be angry with Him for trying to get you to just believe things without reading the Bible first. Be angry for his tempting you to not search the Scriptures earlier in your life. And be angry with those who have stooped to tickling the ears of the masses (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Beware Of Those Who Don’t Love The Truth

“They were filled with jealousy and began contradicting the things spoken by Paul, and were blaspheming” (Acts 13:45).

I remember some things my former friends said when I was getting interested in God:

  • “Don’t take the Bible too seriously, do not become a fanatic”.
  • “You are fine the way you are. Just as long as you are a decent guy that’s all that God wants”.
  • “One church is as good as another. It doesn’t matter what you believe”.
  • “All that is important is that you are sincere”.
  • “The Bible is too complicated — look at all the denominations, they can’t even agree on it — what hope do you have?”
  • “All Christians are hypocrites so don’t trust them — they just want your money”.

Compare the words of friends with what God says, and you'll successfully be able to turn what was intended by your enemy to be a discouragement, into an opportunity to share some truth.

The Thoughts of Doubt

As you move closer to the truth Satan (and others) may seek to discourage you:

  • “You are not capable of giving up that sin”.
  • “You will never be happy living a life dedicated to God”.
  • “The Christian life does not fit in with your previous plans of partying in college, playing the field and living in the fast lane”.
  • “This is not the life that you planned”.

Yet the Bible and real life are filled with real examples of average, ordinary sinners becoming pure and living faithfully to God.

Beware of "Broad Way" Thinking:  Matthew 7:13-14

  • “What I just read in the Bible cannot be the truth — because what I just read currently condemns most people!” “If this is true then what about all my friends and family?”God's word is truth, no matter how many people are embracing or rejecting it. Majority rule does not determine right and wrong. Jesus said that the truth would, at times, divide families: Matthew 10:34-36

Let's never forget that we serve and love our friends and family best when we embrace truth and share its saving power with them (John 1:41). To deny truth does not one any favors.

Remember Everyone is Pulling for You

  • The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are pulling for you: Luke 15:7
  • The angels want you to obey the truth: Luke 15:10
  • Those who died in a saved condition are pulling for you: Hebrews 12:1
  • Those who died outside of Christ are pulling for you, they don’t want you to join them: Luke 16:28

Don’t Stop Short

  • Obey the entire plan of salvation, including baptism. Remember, nobody in the New Testament stepped into the water to be baptized thinking they were already saved (Acts 2:38; 22:16; 8:36-38).
  • Seeing that the Lord adds one to the church following baptism (Acts 2:41,47), it is essential that one gets involved in a faithful congregation following conversion (Acts 9:26; Hebrews 10:24) and spends the remainder of their days on this earth living life God's way and reaping the vast blessings that accompany that decision.

Mark Dunagan |
Beaverton Church of Christ | 503-644-9017