Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons

Hope Against Hope

Hope Against Hope

Faith is your most essential asset.  Faith is a vital key when it comes to being right with God (Romans 5:1). In fact, without it, one cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Looks, talent, giftedness, money, cleverness, learning, knowledge, power, status, fame, popularity, and charisma, as much as these qualities are admired by the world, all are unworthy substitutes for faith.    Faith is likewise an essential ingredient when it comes to the gospel being powerful in your and my life (Romans 1:16-17; Hebrews 4:2).  Often Abraham is held up in scripture as an example to believers of what it means to really trust God (Hebrews 11:8; James 2:21-24) with Romans chapter 4 describing the faith of Abraham in great detail. Let's examine what the Holy Spirit specifically says about Abraham’s exemplary faith:

Romans 4:18 “In hope against hope”:

This usual statement is explained in the next verse, “He contemplated his own body, now as good as dead…and the deadness of Sarah’s womb” (4:19). Physically speaking, what did Abraham have going for him when it came to procreation?  He had a body that showed his old age and a wife who could not bear children— and yet, even still, God had promised him a son.  So while there were no material grounds for hope in Abraham's case, the only hope that remained was the hope in a compassionate and powerful God and His incredible promise.   Was the challenged centered in believing that God exists? No, for God had communicated with him.  Neither was the challenge in believing that the true God was actually communicating to him.  The challenge was in believing what God had indeed said would actually happen.  It's the same challenge for many people today.  Some talk about how difficult it is to believe in a God that one cannot see.  Yet, the evidence of God's existence enters every one of our senses every moment of our lives as we take in all that is around us (Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1-2).  Some have questions about the accuracy of the Bible and such questions are welcomed for the evidence is amazing.  Yet after all these questions are answered what many people struggle with is accepting and trusting the plan of action given to us in Scripture.  Will we trust God’s way of doing things, God’s way of treating people, God’s path to happiness, how God desires to be served and worshipped—or will we trust others or our own fallible feelings to guide us to our conclusions in all these vital areas? 

Romans 4:19 “Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb”

The Holy Spirit is saying that Abraham clearly looked at the physical reality around him.   He saw the obstacles—and they were some big obstacles.  He did not deny the reality that he was old, as was Sarah!  So while Abraham clearly looked at the challenges, he did not allow those challenges to cause him to become weak in reference to faith.  We also have a choice.

  • I don’t have to become depressed over a discouraging situation, but can instead use it to grow my faith.
  • I don’t have to become weak in faith when I see all the people who are not on the narrow way: Jesus told it to expect such.
  • When it looks on the surface as though evil people at times are doing relatively well without God (Psalm 73)—I need not lose an ounce of my trust in Him, because I know there's worlds more going on than meets the eye.
  • Yes, from a human standpoint there are so many situations that may seem hopeless.  It might really look like a certain person would never obey the gospel, or that another person could never give up their sinful pleasures, or that there is no way that a certain exceptionally troubled marriage could ever be saved.  Yet God’s message is powerful—and can transform all who so desire to live godly (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Romans 4:20 “Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief”

“He was not divided in his mind by unbelief” (Word Pictures, A.T. Robertson p. 353).  “Yet he never staggered in doubt at the promise of God” (Wms).  Wavering is not necessarily when a person is asking questions or searching the Scriptures—for that can be quite productive (Acts 17:11).  Wavering is where a person does not settle on God’s promise after hearing it, but mentally vacillates indefinitely.  Their convictions shift continually.    

Romans 4:20 “Grew strong in faith”

Abraham's faith gave him ever-increasing strength.  He became more and more convicted and convinced.  He continued to build a solid foundation of trust in God.  Each promise of God was understood and accepted as absolutely trustworthy.  In our lives we have various spirals.  Our relationships are either spiraling up or spiraling down.  The same is true for our spiritual health.  We are either becoming more confident of God’s love and care for us, or we are becoming less certain.  We either are increasing in our trust in what God says to do in any situation or becoming more doubtful.  We are either becoming more certain that all things will turn out exactly as God has said—or less certain.  We are either becoming more committed to wholeheartedly and passionately serving God or more fickle and casual about eternal things.  We are either becoming far more certain about the Second Coming, the Judgment and Heaven and Hell or far less certain of what God Himself has said on the matter. Let's be like Abraham. Let's spiral up.

Romans 4:20 “Giving Glory to God”

  • Abraham knew that all credit goes to God.  He would have a son—not because he was exceptionally powerful, strong, clever, wise or inventive, but only because God had promised him a son. 
  • So let’s not get discouraged because we look at the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-16) and then wonder—how can I or the congregation around me even begin to fulfill such a challenge to bring the gospel to ever creature?  Don’t worry—God can.  May we never get caught up in, “But I can’t", or "I am not qualified or gifted enough” but rather “God can”.
  • It is the life of faith that glorifies God on a daily basis.  For what could possibly be more beautiful than a person who continues to fully love and trust God despite all the obstacles around them.  Who choose not to complain or murmur or foolishly opt for living by their own short-sighted, human wisdom. 
  • What a great standard to strive after.   May our most earnest desire be to live our lives in a way that makes God and His wisdom look as appealing as He truly is.  I want people to see the amazing things His instructions can do when acted upon in a person’s life.  I want others to see the wisdom of Scripture and His plan for mankind.  I want others to be impressed with the power of the gospel to transform a person’s thoughts, attitudes and his or her very life.

Romans 4:21 “And being fully assured that what God had promised, he was also able to perform”

Abraham is amazing because he fully trusted God even though he did not have the complete Scriptures to see the entire track record of God’s faithfulness—as we do.  Have you ever considered that God is currently batting 1000 with regard to His promises made and His promises fulfilled?

  • The flood was promised—and it happened.
  • Abraham’s descendants were promised the land—and they received it.
  • They were promised expulsion if they disobeyed—and they were expelled.
  • They were promised restoration if they repented—and they were restored.
  • The Messiah was promised—and He actually arrived.
  • He promised to rise from the dead—and did.
  • The New Covenant and the church were promised—and they arrived.
  • An apostasy was predicted and it is arrived.
  • It was said that God’s kingdom would never be destroyed—and the church some 2000 years still exists.

Romans 4:21 “He was able also to perform”

When I contemplate the God revealed in Scripture I see a God who loves us immensely.  A God who pursues us.  A great encourager.   A true friend who always tells us the truth.  And a God who is both willing and able to perform great things and offer and deliver great promises to us.  How wonderful to worship and serve a God who can perform—when we are surrounded by so many earthly things that we have seen fail to deliver.

Mark Dunagan |
Beaverton Church of Christ | 503-644-9017