Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons

Why I Believe in Creation, not Evolution


Why I Believe

In Creation and not Evolution



The Law of Probability


Even evolutionists have calculated the mathematically probability of life arising by chance and without God.  The late Carl Sagan estimated that the chance of life evolving on any given single planet, like the Earth, is one chance out of 1 followed by 2 billion zeros.  This figure is so large that it would take 6,000 books of 300 pages each just to write the number.  Another estimate is that the probability for the chance formation of the smallest, simplest form of living organism known is one chance out of 1 followed by 340 million zeros.  Let us remember that there are supposedly only 10 to the 80th power elementary particles (electrons and protons) in the whole universe.  Borel’s law of probability states that the occurrence of any event, where the chances are beyond one in one followed by 50 zeros, is an event that we can state with certainty that never will happen, no matter how much time is allotted and no matter how many conceivable opportunities could exist for the event to take place.  Yet the probability of an all-powerful and loving God creating the universe and man is 100%.




Category                     Creation Model                             Evolutionary Model


Appearance of Life      Sudden and Complete                    Slow and Gradual

Kinds of life                  Distinct                                             Evolving

Mutations                      Harmful                                             Beneficial

Fossil Record               Gaps between kinds                       Many transitions

Fossil Record               Death and destruction                     Development

Man                               In the image of God                        A higher animal

Religion                         Record of apostasy                        Gradual improvement

Civilization                     Contemporary with man                  Slow and gradual

Universe                        Wearing down                                 Evolving

Origin of life                  Created                                            Spontaneous generation

Murder                           Wrong                                              Might makes right

Racism                          Wrong                                              Favored races





Please note that what the Creation Model predicts we actually see:


·        The sudden appearance of life: 


In the fossil record the appearance of life is sudden, dramatic and full.  There is a sudden appearance of all major phyla in what is known as the Cambrian period with no evidence of evolution prior to it.  Creation would predict this sudden appearance of life(Genesis 1).  Creation equally explains the sudden disappearance of life as well (Genesis Chapters 6-8).  “It is also interesting to note that the scientific record is a bit strained to explain why the dinosaurs suddenly (relatively speaking) died out.  They had (supposedly) spent about 140,000,000 years adapting for survival and then in a few short centuries disappeared”. [1]  The fossil record only confirms that animals appear and remain unchanged.  “As is now well known, most fossil species appear instantaneously in the fossil record, persist…virtually unchanged, only to disappear abruptly”. [2]  “Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology (the study of fossils) does not provide them” [3]


·        Life forms that remain distinct:


We do not presently see any life evolving and neither do we see any transitional forms, that is, apes evolving into men, and so on.  I mean if “seeing is believing” and “I only deal in facts” then the facts are that we see what is described in Genesis, “after their kind” (Genesis 1:11,21,24).


·        Religion:


The Evolutionary model would predict that religion has gradually evolved from primitive forms to advanced forms.  Of course, evolution cannot explain why man would even have a religious inclination.  “Were the conception of a god only an evolution from such spirit worship we should find worship of many gods preceding the worship of one god, polytheism would precede monotheism in each tribe and race.  What we actually find is the contrary of this, monotheism is the first stage traceable in history.  Wherever we can trace polytheism to its earliest stages, we find that it results from combinations of monotheism”. [4] What this means is that everywhere we turn in the religious histories of man we see that he, man, was first monotheistic and not polytheistic.  All evidence supports this fact, including the Bible itself (Romans 1:18-32). 




·        Civilization:


“All communities, metallurgy, ceramics, construction, written language, and so on appeared at essentially the same time, only several thousand years ago, probably in the Middle East.  There is an abundance of archaelogical evidence to this effect.  It is anomalous that evolutionists believe man’s physical body evolved more than a million years ago, and yet also believe that man began to evolve culturally only a few thousand years ago” [5]


The Laws of Science


Creation agrees with the established laws of science:


·        First Law of Thermodynamics:


The universe is operating upon the matter and energy it was given at creation, no new matter is being created (Genesis 2:1).


·        Second Law of Thermodynamics:


Contrary to the theory of evolution, which would predict a universe that is continually evolving and improving, this second fundamental law of physics is that the universe is wearing down and running down (Hebrews 1:10-12).


·        Something cannot come from nothing:


The Bible clearly places the origin of the universe and all life back to God (Genesis 1:1), yet evolution rests upon the unscientific claim that something came from nothing and that life came from non-life. In addition, God is the only logical cause for the origin of not only life and the universe, but human emotions, morality, man’s intellectual nature, his ability to subdue (Genesis 1:28), and his appreciation for what is beautiful and noble (Ecclesiastes 3:11).


What can be Observed


“Evolution, at least in the sense that Darwin speaks of it, cannot be detected within the lifetime of a single observer”. [6]  It is interesting that while evolutionists claim to deal in facts, at the same time they admit that no one has ever seen evolution taking place.  Yet everyday we can clearly see the hand of God in the creation (Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20; Acts 14:17 “And yet He did not leave Himself without witness”).



The Universe is a Masterpiece, not Chaos


“The order pervading the inorganic, organic, and human realm is indicative of an intended plan in an intelligent and good Purposer”. [7]  “The existence of a Being endowed with intelligence and wisdom is a necessary inference from the study of celestial mechanics”. [8]  “The earth, the sun and stars, and the universe itself; and the charming variety of the seasons, demonstrate the existence of a Divinity”. [9]  J. Arthur Thompson, an evolutionist confessed, “We cannot comprehend how the Order of Nature could arise from chaos and chance” [10]


Divine Engineering


“An important difficulty in the theory of natural selection is the fact that many useful characteristics would be liabilities instead of assets while still in an incompleted state of development.  The survival of the fittest tells nothing about the arrival of the fittest”.[11]  In contrast, the reason that animals can adapt (not evolve into another species), is precisely because a wise God created animals, plants, insects, and even man with a good deal of flexibility.  Men continue to survive in this world, not because man consciously grew a thumb, but because God created man a “fit” creature in the first place.


The Positive Effects of Creation


Simply put, when men and women live like they are created in God’s image, and live like they will give an account to their Creator (2 Corinthians 5:10), the world is a better place in which to live.  The fruits of Christianity are such things as love, self-control, unselfishness, kindness, goodness, and patience (Galatians 5:22-24).  The fruits of Evolution are:


·        Man is provided a way to escape his responsibility to serve God and others.

·        Evil does not exist, “If we are just an evolved animal then how can one animal sin against another?”

·        Sin is justified.  The idea of survival of the fittest justifies even murder and genocide.

·        “Evolution, in short, gave the doer of evil a respite from his conscience.  The most unscrupulous behavior towards a competitor could now be rationalized:  evil could be called good” [12]

·        Evolution is part of the foundation that upholds Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, Racism, Imperialism, and Anarchism, and we have all witnessed the suffering that such ideologies bring with them.


Mark Dunagan/Beaverton Church of Christ/503-644-9017

[1] James Reid, God, the Atom and the Universe, p. 184

[2] Tom Kemp, A Fresh Look at the Fossil Record, New Scientist, Vol. 108, 12-5-1985, p. 67

[3] David Kitts, “Paleontology and Evolutionary Theory”, Evolution, Vol. 28, September 1974, p.466

[4] William Matthew Petrie, The Religions of Ancient Egypt, pp. 3,4

[5] Henry M. Morris, Gary E. Parker, What is Creation Science? p. 15

[6] David B. Kitts, Evolution, Vol. 28, September 1974, p. 466

[7] Peter A. Bertocci, Teleological Argument for God, An Encyclopedia of Religion, p. 763

[8] Isaac Newton, Principia

[9] Plato, De Legibus, Lib. XI

[10] J. Arthur Thompson, Science and Religion, p. 104

[11] Roger E. Dickson, The Fall of Unbelief, p. 161

[12] Robert E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After, p. 106