Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons

The Seven Churches


The Seven Churches


•      Jesus is said to be “in the midst” of the seven golden lamp-stands, which are the seven churches (1:13,20).

•      The Lord is ever moving among His people. He is intimately aware of what transpires within every congregation.

•      He “knows” their situation (2:2,9,13,19; 3:1,8,15; Hebrews 4:13).

•      The Lord sees us as we really are (2 Corinthians 5:10).




•      Salutation

•      Commendation

•      Condemnation

•      Exhortation

•      Exaltation

•      “It is certainly reasonable to contend that whatever the Lord approved, or disapproved, in those congregations, He would similarly approve or disapprove today” Hebrews 13:8.


“The Angel of the Church”


•      The word “angel” can be translated “messenger”.  Could refer to the elders or the evangelist.

•      Some have suggested it refers to the “prevailing spirit” of a congregation; the personification of the character, temper and conduct of a group.

•      The Lord is very concerned with every congregation.


Ephesus: The Honeymoon is Over


•      Apostles could be “tested” (2:2).

•      No one had quit; there is no discouragement (2:3).

•      Doctrinal soundness is praised (2:2).

•      Yet do not neglect the motive (1 Corinthians 13:1-3), and the passion.

•      It is not enough to be simply against something.

•      Obedience must come from a heart fully devoted to God (1 John 5:3; Matt. 22:37).


Smyrna: The Poor-Rich Church


•      Suffering is not an evidence of a lack of love on God’s part (Romans 8:35ff).

•      We are rich! (2:9; 1 Corinthians 3:22).

•      Jesus knows what it is like to suffer.

•      The suffering caused by hurtful words (2:9).

•      God is not confused about who is on His side (2:9).

•      Don’t fear the future (2:10).

•      Sometimes there is even more suffering.


Pergamum: In the Midst of Evil


•      Yet they are not told to run (2:13).

•      Environment is not all-powerful.

•      A “few things” are a few too many (2:14).

•      Some may be unfaithful even in a good congregation.


The Teaching of Balaam


•      Was prevented from cursing the people of God (Numbers 22:12).

•      Claimed to be faithful to God (24:13).

•      Yet an undercurrent of greed (22:22; 2 Peter 2:15 “who loved the wages of unrighteousness”).

•      “Who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel” (2:14).

•      After Numbers 24, the Israelites are lured into idolatry (25:1).

•      When the Midianites who lured them are punished, Balaam is found among the dead (Numbers 31:8).

•      Balaam could not curse Israel, but he came up with a plan to make them accursed, by counseling Balak to lure them into idolatry (31:16).

•      The spirit of compromise, the type of person who looks for a loophole in Scripture.


Thyatira: Compromised with Evil


•      Making improvements (2:19).

•      Love, faith, service, perseverance, progress.

•      Yet tolerating a false teacher (2:20).

•      Even God’s people can fall for the most outlandish ideas.

•      The ability to repent is not based on genetics or circumstances, but on the “will” of the individual (2:21).

•      God does give even the wicked second chances.


Sardis: The Church of the Living Dead


•      A reputation may be misleading.

•      The “start and stop” church (3:2).

•      The tragedy of unused potential.

•      Still, there were some faithful members left (3:4).  Yet this is not commendation for silently disagreeing while staying amidst a church in error.

•      Apathy and inaction are also forms of being spotted by the world (James 1:27).


Philadelphia: An Open Door


•      All one needs is a “little power” (3:8).

•      Look for the door—do not get focused on the obstacles.

•      Abilities vary, but everyone can do something.


Laodicea: Lukewarm


•      Just enough spiritually to be comfortable.

•      A congregation influenced by the community.

•      “I have need of nothing”—yet in desperate need of everything worthwhile.

•      The danger of thinking that a comfortable life is evidence of God’s favor or being counted as faithful.


Jesus Wants Churches


•      Obedient to His word and energetic in His work.

•      Enduring against opposition.

•      Sound in His doctrine and do not tolerate error.

•      Courageous in the face of death.

•      Loving in disposition and tireless in labor.

•      Confident, trusting God and serving.

•      Growing spiritually and numerically.

•      Penitent and pure.

•      Disciplining unfaithful members.

•      Stable and zealous and practice self-evaluation.

•      Where He is always welcome.




•      Being “almost right” is not enough; a little error is too much.

•      The sins of other congregations do not excuse our own shortcomings.

•      We cannot rest on past accomplishments and starting a project is not equal with finishing it.

•      Small congregations do have responsibilities, and very congregation is to be a pillar of the truth.

•      The only people who can fix the problem are the members in that congregation, and any sin can be stopped.

•      The right doctrine and the right spirit must both be present; simply attending is not enough.


The Rewards


•      2:9: “It is recalling the state of affairs in the garden when man had unbroken fellowship with God”.

•      2:10-11: A reward that never fades, perpetual winners, never in danger of losing salvation.

•      2:17: “What manna was to the Israelites, Jesus was to the Christians, and more.  The brothers were sustained by an invisible source—hidden manna.  The Christians could not partake of the heathen feasts but they could feed on something better.  An idolatrous feast is no substitute for a heavenly feast”.

•      2:17:  The white stone, a token of vindication, “Then there was the white stone that friends shared with each other which guaranteed a warm reception anytime at any place they met”.  A new name means a new status and it is engraved on stone.

•      2:26: We will reign with Christ and share the victory with Him.

•      3:4: White is the color of purity and also festivity and joyfulness.

•      3:5: Jesus Christ is forever true to the man who is true to Him.   

•      3:12:  An eternal and important part of heaven.

•      3:12:  Settled security, the pilgrimage and uncertainty is over.

•      3:12:  I belong to God, I belong to heaven, I am a true citizen of the far country, “I belong”!  “I fit in!”.

•      3:20:  Eternity is pictured as a feast.

•      3:21:  Jesus wants us to share heaven with Him.  There is no ego here, overcoming is a very important accomplishment.


Mark Dunagan/Beaverton Church of Christ/503-644-9017