Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons



God Himself bore witness to the character of His servant Job, that Job took God seriously and as a result turned away from evil (Job 1:8; 2:3).  In chapter 31 Job actually mentions how he lived and not lived.  This is not an example of self-righteousness, but a good look into the heart of someone who takes God seriously.  Here is a detailed description of Job’s personal ethics and how he had been living.  It is also a rebuke to his friends and others who felt that Job must have been living a double life to be suffering so much at the present.  In a world that often tries to justify moral compromises by saying things like, “I am only human” or “Everyone does that”, we should find Job’s character refreshing.

31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?” Job cites his attitudes as well as his actions.  Not only was he innocent of adultery; he had took personal responsibility for what he decided to ponder (Matthew 5:28).  There really is no substitute for the personal decision to be in control of my own eyes. Observe his high moral standard and the understanding that lust is wrong as well as the actual act.  Do our eyes control us or do we control our eyes?  Who is really in charge of our thoughts?  (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  Instead of arguing, “No harm in looking”, “No one can avoid looking” or “Every man gawks now and then”, he did not deceive himself.  He knew such a stare was wrong and where it could easily lead the rest of him (Proverbs 6:25).

31:2-3 Even though Job was suffering he still knew that the final end for the wicked is never good.   31:4  Job knew that God indeed sees all his actions and knows all his thoughts, therefore God would know that he is innocent. 31:5  Observe the repetition of the word “if” in the section that follows.  Job is willing to suffer the full consequences, “if” he had been guilty of any of the following sins.  Job has been completely honest in his dealings and words.  31:6  Job is willing to be measured or weighed by God’s standard of righteousness, and he is convinced that he would be viewed as righteous after such an examination.  Job knew that when God judges us that the standard being used will not be a human or cultural standard, but rather His word (John 12:48).

31:7-8  Job was willing to suffer punishment upon his farming efforts if he had turned away from God’s truth.  He was willing to starve if such had happened. This would be true for any sin (“spot”). Do we take living by God’s standards this seriously?  Are we willing to suffer the full consequences if continue in any sin?  31:9-10 Adultery here is denied in strong language.  If Job had given into the enticements of another woman he was willing that his wife become a slave for someone else (the grinding of corn by hand with millstones was a menial task of female slaves).  Of course Job would never wish such upon his wife, but Job equally realized that any adultery on his part could easily send the entire family into poverty and worse. That there are many times in life that innocent people pay an earthly price for the sins of others.  

I am struck by the word lurked in 31:9.  We are up to no good if we are flirting, hanging around longer than we should, fishing for compliments from the opposite sex, purposely altering our schedule or plans so that we just happen to meet this person that has caught our eye.  Purposefully trying to just “accidentally” bump into them near their work, where they have lunch or go to coffee.  Too many people are not honest when it comes to what constitutes lurking.

 31:11-12  Here are the consequences of adultery, a crime that is condemned by both God and man.  It is a sin that will consume one’s soul, reputation, conscience, body, family relationships, earthly and eternal future.  Job realized that just one act of adultery could completely undo and destroy and everything he had thus accomplished in life (Proverbs 6:32-35).  That it is not a sin that can be easily forgiven in terms of the earthly consequences.  Is this how seriously we regard this sin today?

31:13-15 Job denies that he had abused or mistreated his servants, for he had been a very humane master.  He did not abuse his position because he knew that he would answer to God.  Long before Thomas Jefferson came along, Job knew that God had created all men equal.  Job clearly states that on the most fundamental level, the servants he has and himself are all equals.   He also knows that God does arise and that he would stand before God one day (31:14).   

31:16-23 Neither had Job mistreated the widow, orphan, or those less fortunate.  In fact, earlier Eliphaz had accused Job of failing to help those in need (22:7-9).  Job shared his resources, guided the widows, and practiced the truths found in Matthew 25:31ff.  In fact, Job even helped those who were unappreciative of this efforts (31:20).  Neither had he mistreated the vulnerable in court (31:21).  Job had not abused his power or position as an influential man in the community.  Job was also mindful that he had grown up with these people that needed help (31:18).   

Job did the right thing for those in society who are vulnerable, even though men at the gate might have supported and excused him if he had done wrong because he was wealthy (31:21).  How many times do people justify sinful things today because they have support in the gate?  “This isn’t sinful, the college I attend supports this”.  “My professors support this”.  “Various government agencies are on my side”.  “There are lawyers and various advocates that would go to bat for me if anyone questioned my behavior”.   31:23 Being terrified by God’s ability to destroy the wicked is not a bad thing, along with loving God, this fear of God had helped him stay on the straight and narrow. 

31:24-25 Job denies that he had placed his trust in money or possessions (Matthew 6:19-21).  He was not trying to serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).  He was wealthy, but he did not worship or place his confidence in such.   His wealth had not controlled him. 

31:26-28  He had not been guilty of worshiping the sun or moon, and Job believes that such an act would have rightly merited God’s judgment.  Obviously, Job could not identify with the person who claims that God is too loving to send anyone to hell. 

31:29-30 Job had not rejoiced at the downfall of his enemies or cursed them.  He was seeking to love his enemy as himself.  He had not even been secretly glad when an enemy died or faced trouble (see Proverbs 17:5b; 24:17).  31:31-32  Family members and servants in his extended family always had plenty to eat, and Job had opened his home up for travelers and strangers as well. He had been very hospitable. 

31:33 Job knew about Adam and he also knew the specific details surrounding Adam’s life and transgression.  After Adam sinned, he had tried to hide from God (Genesis 3:7-10).  Clearly, Job had sinned in his life, but he had never hidden such sins, but had eagerly confessed them. 31:34  Job is not intimidated by human opinion, if he had sinned, he would have confessed it and faced the consequences, including public exposure.   Even in the time of Job were existed the great multitude that many people fear today. 

31:35 Job longed for someone to hear and answer him.   Like a defendant in a court of law, his speech was the equivalent to signing his name at the end of a written statement of his innocence. 31:36  If God can convict him, then he is willingly to publicly wear such charges against him on his shoulder and as a crown.  31:37 Job is prepared to give to God a detailed description of his conduct and thoughts.  He is willing to be examined in every aspect of his life.  In confidence he would approach Him.

31:38-40  Here Job declares that he had been a good steward of God’s earth.  He had paid his workers well, he had treated his livestock well, and he had not misused the land that he tilled.  Neither had he taken land unjustly or in a shady deal.


Well how do I measure up?  Am I as concerned about being good, honest, and ethical as Job was?  Is the most important aspect of my life my integrity before God and man?  Do I cut corners when it comes to personal morality?  Am I willing to be examined by God?  Am I willing to face the ultimate punishment if I have been dishonest, greedy, or lustful, or do I try to plead extenuating circumstances?  Am I comfortable with any moral compromises?  Job is a man who would have been unwilling to live with himself if he were cutting corners on God’s standard of righteousness.

Mark Dunagan |
Beaverton Church of Christ | 503-644-9017